My experience with AA for VIM

Installed prv: 
cd ~/.vim
git clone
mkdir pack
cd pack
ln -s ~/.vim/prv/pack/ttm
(reads aa.txt in vim) (first 3 paragraphs in intro seem well written) (could make use of the term micrologging/microblogging) (jumps to section 3 - install) In Vim, I try loading by hand:
:packadd aa

Error detected while processing function PRVLeaderHelper[2]..PRVDeclareLeader:
line    2:
E121: Undefined variable: g:mapleader
E15: Invalid expression: [g:mapleader, g:maplocalleader]
line    4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:prvset
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key(g:prvset.leaders, a:plug)
E15: Invalid expression: has_key(g:prvset.leaders, a:plug)
Error detected while processing function PRVLeaderHelper[4]..PRVRestoreLeader:
line    1:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: aa
E15: Invalid expression: g:prv.leaders[a:plug]
Now I'm editing .vim/prv/pack/ttm/opt/aa/aux/prvdependence.vim Question: if I fix that, I should also fix the PRV framework. This is a copy-paste and supposed to be identical, right?

I fixed the leader by adapting this code from vimlatex:

let s:mapleader = exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : "\\"
I do that in the beginning of the script. Now, there were other problems: I had to remoe this:
    let g:mapleader = g:prvset.leaders[a:plug][0]
    let g:maplocalleader = g:prvset.leaders[a:plug][1]
Since prvset was not defined. Maybe I can fix that in PRV later on. (back to reading AA doc) Just read about
`let g:prvset = {'leaders' : {'aa': [X, Y]}}`
Inside aa help. But if prvset is not set, the code in prvdependence should still run I guess. So maybe a check if it exists? stat